Eight Tips to Optimize Your Vaping Experience

Whether you are a veteran vaper or an absolute beginner you want to get the most from the experience. That’s only natural. But with so many different types of vaping devices on the market determining exactly how to optimize your experience can be challenging. In order to make things a bit easier the team at the Smoking Buddha vape shop present the following 8 tips that will help you take your vaping experience to the next level.
Regardless of what kind of vaping device you use the following tips are general enough that they should help you get more out of your experience. Enjoy.
Tip #1: Shake it up
It’s surprising how many people, especially beginners, neglect to shake up their ejuice before using it. Because vape juice is a mixture of different ingredients those ingredients are going to settle over time. So if you don’t shake it up before loading your mod you’re going to have a less-than-ideal flavor experience.
Tip #2: Don’t leave your e-liquid exposed to direct sunlight
Sunlight is a powerful thing. It makes life on earth possible, is capable of bleaching the color from objects, it’ll turn someone who falls asleep on the beach into a human chili pepper and it will degrade the quality of your e-juice too. Whatever you do don’t leave your vape juice in direct sunlight.
Tip #3: Keep your vape tank clean
Your vape tank is like the oven in a typical kitchen. If you don’t clean the oven fairly regularly it’s going to become gunked up with all kinds of grease and food spatter. This in turn will have a negative effect on the flavor of your food and the efficiency of the oven. Same with your vape tank. If you don’t clean it once in a while it’s going to get gummed up, spoil the taste of your vape juice and run less efficiently.
Tip #4: Invest In The Best E-Liquids
You get what you pay for. That’s true for hotels, airline tickets, clothes and vape liquids. Here at our Parker vape shop, we’re well aware that the cost of e-liquids can add up pretty fast. Nonetheless, if you’re going to do something you should do it right. And in this case, that means always buying the best quality vape juice you can afford. If you need help selecting a good vape juice just ask the smoke shop staff.
Tip #5: Make sure to drink enough water
It’s well-known that regular vaping can aggravate, and in some cases cause, dehydration. This is going to have a negative effect on your experience. You’ll feel physically off and the dehydration will negatively affect your sense of taste. So get in the habit of always drinking plenty of water. Staying properly hydrated will pay dividends both obvious and subtle.
Tip #6: Change the coil
This is another important aspect of vaping that newcomers tend to either overlook or forget about. But it needs to be done because when the coil starts to burn out it’s not going to function the way it did when it was new. The bottom line is that you should change the vape coil every few weeks. Whether that means every 2-3 weeks or every 4-5 weeks is up to you.
Tip #7: Be nice to your vape
No matter what type of vaping device you have it’s a mechanical device that’s going to require you to treat it with the proper respect. Failing to keep your mod in good working order is going to undermine the quality of your experience. So, always make sure you don’t overfill the tank with vape liquids, avoid overheating your vape battery, don’t ever submerge it in water and store it in a cool, dry place when you’re not using it.
Tip #8: Trust the folks at the vape shop in Parker
If you have questions about your device, about e-liquids or about any other aspect of vaping you can trust the team at the Smoking Buddha smoke shop in Parker to steer you in the right direction. Everyone is extremely knowledgeable and approachable and is more than happy to dedicate some time to helping you have a safe and enjoyable vaping experience.
Bonus Tip: Don’t forget to be considerate of others
The world’s in a pretty strange place right now. It seems nobody can agree on anything and the social fabric is under some pretty intense stress. Anything that can be done to lower the collective stress level is a good thing, and that extends to vaping as much as anything else.
So… don’t vape in a crowd just to prove you have the right to do it. You’re guaranteed to piss somebody off and that’s not conducive to an enjoyable vaping experience. Also, don’t try vaping indoors unless it’s explicitly allowed and don’t blow vape clouds in people’s faces.
If you take the above tips to heart you’re bound to ramp up the enjoyment level when it comes to your vaping experience. You’ll enjoy better tasting vape juice, your vaporizer will run more efficiently and more dependably, you’ll feel better during and after vaping and you’ll help lower the temperature of social discourse at a time when that kind of thing is really needed.
Stop by the Smoking Buddha Vape Shop
The popularity of vaping has exploded in the past few years in spite of the government’s misguided and ill-informed attempts to link it with cigarette smoking. But with so many new people keen to experience vaping for themselves there are bound to be plenty who need a bit of advice on how to get the most from it.
We hope the above guide was useful to you. And don’t forget; if you’re looking for a vaporizer, vape juice or any type of vaping accessory stop by the Smoking Buddha smoke shop and peruse our vast selection. We’re the area’s #1 choice for vaping equipment, accessories and advice. If you need directions or have a question call us at (888) 316-4572.