
Industry News and Articles

If you have only recently started vaping or you are planning to start in the near future, you may be finding it hard to decide what type of device to use. There is a huge variety of vape pens, pod kits and vaporizer mods for sale in the USA today, many of which you can find at our local shop in Parker. Whilst it’s nice to have such a wide selection from which to choose, it can cause some confusion for new vapers. To make your task a little easier, we’re going to help you decide which of the two main types of vape device is most suitable for you: Mouth-To-Lung (MTL) or Direct-To-Lung (DTL) devices. Once you’ve done this, you will be able to focus on the mods and vaporizers that are most likely to meet your specific needs.

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Whether you use a simple vape pen that was purchased online or a powerful mod that you bought from a local vape shop, you will need to buy new coils, or pods with integral coils, on a regular basis. As a coil deteriorates, it can negatively affect the flavor of your vape; it can also lead to leaks and other issues. The only way to fix these issues is to install a replacement coil but if you are new to vaping, you may have no idea how often you should be changing your coils and what you can do to extend their useful lifespan. But there’s no need to worry if this is the case: after you’ve finished reading our handy guide, you’ll be able to tell when it’s time to change coils and you’ll also know how to get the most out of each coil you install in your device.

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At various times on this blog, we’ve alluded to or otherwise touched on the subject of stealth vaping. But we’ve never taken the time to give it the attention it deserves. And it deserves that attention because if it weren’t for their ability to stealth vape, some vape users would have a tough time vaping at all, given the hysterical, nonsensical attitude toward vaping and…

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There are a lot of things to love about Thanksgiving, starting with the fact that it’s probably the most inclusive holiday on the calendar. In addition to that, you have great food, time off from work at the vape shop, a chance to reflect on the good things in life, and the chance to see all those family members you’ve been avoiding for the past year.

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An estimated 50 million people are now vaping worldwide with thousands more joining their ranks every day. In the US alone that number is nearly 10 million. Despite the fact that vaping is not smoking, that flavored ejuice that contains no nicotine is not a “tobacco product” and that there is no scientific evidence linking vaporizers to the kind of health issues caused by cigarettes, the media in the US continues to use the words “vaping” and “smoking” interchangeably and rail against phantom health concerns that have no basis in fact. On the other side of the Atlantic, however, things are very different.

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Contrary to what you’ll hear in the media studies show vaping poses virtually no significant long-term health threat. In fact, the UK’s National Health Service recommends people take up vaping as a way to quit smoking. In addition, the CDC’s own data contradicts reports that e-cigs are a gateway to smoking for young people. Still, too much of anything is usually not a great thing so we were wondering: is there such a thing as too much vaping? In this article, those of us at your friendly neighborhood vape shop in Parker will answer the question.

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