Ask 100 stoners in Parker what constitutes a stoner movie and you’ll discover a lot of disagreement. That leaves those of us here at the Smoking Buddha headshop free to create our own definition. So here goes: A stoner movie is a movie that engages your imagination and holds your attention when you’re high. It should make you laugh until you hurl or conversely, leave you contemplating the nature of existence. Preferably both, but definitely more of the laughing you hurl stuff. If it also happens to revolve around or comment on stoner culture, even better. So with all of those things in mind, here’s the list of our absolute favorite movies for stoners, in no particular order.

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For centuries the preferred way to enjoy cannabis was to smoke it in clay pipes, glass pipes, bongs, hookahs, or rolled into joints. Recently a new method has emerged that is giving the traditional means of cannabis consumption a run for its money: dry herb vaping. But what exactly is dry herb vaping, and are there any quantifiable benefits for enjoying your herb this way? That’s what the staff at the Smoking Buddha headshop are here to find out.

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Brown-haired woman exhaling large vaporizer cloud outdoors at sunset

Whether you are a veteran vaper or an absolute beginner you want to get the most from the experience. That’s only natural. But with so many different types of vaping devices on the market determining exactly how to optimize your experience can be challenging. In order to make things a bit easier the team at the Smoking Buddha vape shop present the following 8 tips that will help you take your vaping experience to the next level.

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Whether you are a casual smoker or spend considerable time smoking weed, you will know the dreaded cotton mouth well. Although cotton mouth is harmless and should not cause any worry, a parched mouth is not ideal for anybody.

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You’re at that point where your vape is starting to act up. The performance is starting to decrease and you are not sure if you should buy a new one or investigate the problem further. After all, you don’t want to buy a new vape, you want to keep the one you currently have. Vapes are products that need constant care and they can shut down because of the coil.

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If you’re like everybody else new to vaping you’re probably a bit confused about some of the terminology related to vaporizers. Should you get an e-cig or a cig-alike? Or maybe a vape pen would be a better fit. But which kind? Maybe what you’re really after is a vape mod, or maybe a pod kit or a… well, you get the idea. The terminology can seem pretty confusing, but it doesn’t have to be. In this brief explainer article the team here at the Smoking Buddha vape shop in Parker are going to zoom in on vape mods and pod kits and explain the difference. Let’s start with vape mods.

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